Page Not Found

The requested document /404.shtml was not found on

What are 404 error pages:

  • When you browse the web and a particular page can not be found by your browser, you are served an error page by the server of the web site you are visiting, called 404 (which means that the page does not exist).
  • Since the page might only be inaccessible temporarily it is suggested to hit the Refresh button on your browser toolbar, or try to visit that page again later.
  • Sometimes though you are dealing with a page that really does not exist anymore physically. In this case you would always be served the same error message no matter how often you hit that Refresh button.
  • Some web site owners do not really care enough for expired, deleted or otherwise disappeared web pages, so a message similar to the format used for this dedicated 404 error pages web site is shown instead.
    Other, more advanced and more user focused web developers create their own
    "oooops" pages that are served instead of the generic server generated 404 error pages.
  • These customized 404 error pages serve the purpose of offering the web site user an apology or alternative way of finding back into the content the web site deals with, or both.

Wikipedia encyclopedia description of 404 Page Not Found Errors:

  • 404 File Not Found is a message in the case of a "404 error"; it appears in most web browsers when the connection works, and the first part of the URL correctly leads to a working web server, but the rest of the URL specifies a page that does not exist on the server.
  • If the connection does not work, or the first part of the URL is wrong, or the web server does not work, other messages are generated.
  • The 404 error is one of the standard response codes of the web's HTTP protocol. The first 4 indicates a client error such as a mistyped URL. The middle 0 refers to a general syntax error. The last 4 just indicates the specific error in the group of 40x, which in this case is "URL Not Found". The use of three-digit codes is similar to the use of such codes in earlier protocols such as FTP and NNTP.
  • These errors can be customized on a large number of such servers, such as Apache, to display a page that could be of more help than a default. Internet Explorer will not read these pages, however, unless they are larger than 512 bytes.
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